Mischief Night is a suspenseful flick with a twisting plot, intriguing characters, and a few top of the line blood and gore scenes. It is an enthralling story that will keep any audience entertained throughout its full 80-minute run time.
In the movie, Kaylie (Brooke Anne Smith) is filling in for her friend Daphne (Nikki Limo) as a babysitter at the Payton residence on a Friday night. The date is October 30th, the night before Halloween. This is Mischief Night; a night full of pranks, vandalism, and even murder. While she is babysitting, Kaylie is attacked by a masked intruder (Marc Valera) and he tries to kill her but fails. From this point on, the two begin to develop romantic feelings for one another and this subplot is the main focus for the second third of the movie. However, at the same time, people that have been coming by the Payton residence (who I shall not name) have been getting killed. This is the main plot that falls into play very nicely by the end of the movie.
My favorite thing about this film is honestly the intriguing personalities and backgrounds of the two main characters Kaylie and the masked intruder. We find out in the beginning of the movie that Kaylie cuts herself, so we know she obviously has some emotional problems. As the man stalks her and tries to get into the house, her friend Daphne suggests that she calls the police but she doesn't. The truth is, it's not that Kaylie was afraid the police weren't going to believe her, she actually didn't want to. She is actually enjoying the game of cat-and-mouse with the killer. In a later scene as she is talking to the man (they have developed romantic feelings for one another at this point), she talks about her hatred for everyone and how she wishes every night was Mischief Night so she could do whatever she wanted. I don't want to reveal much more, but even Kaylie's actions and words warrant the man telling her that she is the strangest girl he has ever met. Her character is truly the most thrilling thing about this movie. The man himself is also strange as he talks about dealing with this anger he cannot explain. These two characters make this movie thrilling and the exposition where they talk to each other and the audience learns about them really adds to this sense of interest and curiosity about them.
The idea of a random girl getting attacked by a man who wants to kill her and those two subsequently falling for one another is an interesting plot in itself. Towards the end of the movie, I was actually rooting for them to get together and stay together. They clearly have chemistry and they could definitely make it as a couple. Does it work out for them?? You're going to have to watch the movie and find out. The plot does a good job of keeping the audience guessing as to what will happen next and the ending to this movie will shock you all. For some of those really smart people out there, maybe you will be able to guess the ending but I know I did not see it coming! The kill scenes in this movie are also bloody and gory and there are a few other times where this movie will make you cringe. So I say give this one a shot! You won't be disappointed!
Written by MJ Aufiero
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