Blood Runs Cold delivers an entertaining plot, filled with tension and suspense, and grisly murder scenes and other greusome images. However, it completely ignores the principles of common sense and logic to every degree possible. The characters' actions and decisions in this movie are so unrealistic and unbelievably stupid that after a while you will want to bang your head against a wall. So how much does the lack of common sense take away from this movie?
So basically, Winona (Hanna Oldenburg), her ex-boyfriend Richard (Patrick Saxe), and his two friends who are together: Liz (Elin Hugoson) and Carl (Andreas Rylander), all decide to spend the night in a house that Winona's boss rented out for two weeks for her to stay in for vacation. Throughout the night, the four friends are tormented and murdered one by one by an axe-wielding killer dressed in some sort of snowsuit, wearing a protective covering over his face. That's really it for the plot.
The first 45 minutes of this movie are actually pretty good. As the four friends are alone in the house, the creepy and uneasy mood is set as the killer is seen in different places around the house, especially when he enters the room where Winona's boyfriend is sleeping and he doesn't even notice. The killing starts and the murder scenes are sensational! Blood and gore lovers will be ecstatic over these gruesome killings! The other thing I liked about this movie was there actually were a few jump scares, as well as others used as a way to heighten fear and suspense. In one part of the movie, one of the friends is outside and the camera shows the killer standing right in front of her but she doesn't see him. In another part, Winona has her ear against a door and the killer has his ear rested on the other side. There is an uneasiness throughout the entire movie because of these moments.
However, despite the positive comments of the last paragraph, I regret to say that after the first 45 minutes, the movie becomes a little tedious and tiresome. The first 3 friends are killed within the first 45 minutes and then the last half hour is the killer chasing the lone survivor around the house basically. As you can imagine, that gets boring after a while. I really think this section of the movie could have been spiced up really well with a chase scene through the woods, just to incorporate something different than the killer chasing the survivor around the house.
And my main complaint with this movie is the LACK OF COMMON SENSE!!!! This unfortunately plays a role throughout the entire movie. The characters act so dumb and so stupid that you just start screaming at the tv after a while (at least I did). In one scene, Richard (Winona's boyfriend) goes outside to relieve himself and sees the killer standing by the window upstairs yet says absolutely nothing to anyone when he goes back in the house. In another scene, the killer breaks down an OPEN, UNLOCKED DOOR with an axe to get into the room where one of the friends is hiding. First of all, why didn't she shut and lock the door, and second of all, why is the killer breaking the door down with an axe if it is already opened and unlocked????!!! Scenes like these really brought the movie down and since I'm a practical person, this bothered me to no end.
So overall,. this movie was good. I still liked it. It was suspenseful, scary, and gruesome and the killer himself looked scary and intimidating. To add to this, he eats human flesh and utters blood curtling cries. But the lack of common sense and the tedious second half of the movie really bring it down. Nonetheless, this movie is still worth a watch. If you like blood and gore and awesome kill scenes and don't mind characters acting stupid then go for it! You might like it!
BaD BiRdS:: Fair
Written by MJ Aufiero
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