Did you see that "BIG ASS SPIDER", directed by Mike Mendez? Whoa, super kool B-flick. It all starts when our beautifully intelligent government, the military to be exact, tries to splice fruit and veggies with Alien growth hormone...and why not? Don't we all wish for 8 foot bananas? So, anyway they apparently didn't see a spider in one of the fruit trees and viola! You guessed it, we gave birth to a new breed of fruity, alien arachnid. Kool right? Not so much. This Pest begins to eat it's way through downtown LA while dodging the military's efforts to destroy. It seems to have an unreasonable appetite and growth quadruples about every four hours, you do the math. Yes, this becomes one Big Ass spider indeed.
Thank god for heroes because this city needs one. Who could it be though? A congressman, lawyer, doctor, or sports hero? Nah...it's the local exterminator, of course, played by Greg Grunberg. Alas our overweight, unsavory hero comes to slay the spider. Only problem is that he and his sidekick Jose (Lombardo Boyar) really do not know what they are doing or what they are dealing with as far as the creatures abilities and goals.
Now there is a little something missing, what is it? Oh yeah...Romance. Doesn't every Roach hotel movie have a great romance? Well this one sure does. Our jolly exterminating hero falls for a military soldier by the name of Lieutenant Karly Brant, who at first is not exactly taken with his slovenly obese stature. But in a very short period of time learns to love the man that saved her from that "BIG ASS SPIDER". God, I love saying that!
The end to this flick is a bit funny, but highly predictable. This is a simplistic film made for pure entertainment purposes. The acting was fair on all fronts and the lighting very good. The spider itself was actually very detailed, and the movements were really believable. Although I am not a big fan of insect killer movies this one is A-OK. Finally after the credits hang in there to see how the director sets us up for the sequel, it was quite hilarious!
Written by KaT
BaD BiRdS :: Good Fun!
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