Written by Philip Daay and Jayne Whitney, this film begins by introducing us to our main character Celia (Monica Keena), who is visiting with her best friend Justine. They decide to go to a fraternity party on Justine's campus that evening. While there Celia is introduced to a young man named Doug (Chris Engen), who ultimately ends up drugging her. Then while she is overdosing on the drugs from her drink she is repeatedly gang raped. She wakes up in an abandoned room in the shower only to realize she is dead, as revealed when she leaves her body behind in the shower.
This is where the plot really begins. Now she needs to navigate in a sort of purgatory realm until she can find the door to heaven. Along the way she will encounter many people and creatures from her past that will tempt her to be swayed in the direction other than heaven. Celia's mother dies in childbirth so she never met her real mother, and her grandfather died before Celia, so these two become important to the plot. Also a constant character is her supposed guardian angel (David Anders), who ends up being less than angelic.
The acting was really very good on all accounts, but the make-up was so-so. I have seen better zombies on after school specials. The special effects were amateur at best, leaving me unsatasfied. The plot was good but the set couldn't accomadate the need for better special effects. The lighting was not too bad, but there are certain areas that become dark enough to bother you. The end is kind of predictable, but what's wrong with an occasional happy ending.
Written by KaT
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