So the story sets off in 1972 when two hikers locate a cave, in the Himalayas, inhabited by a Yeti, or what looks like a huge white cat having a bad hair day. Apparently mama Yeti didn't teach this guy how to treat guests so...he slaughters them. Stupid kill scenes, didn't even see the second hiker die. What was the relevance of this scene? I am not sure..maybe to alert us early that a big shaggy house cat was missing in the Himalayas.
So next we move on to present day when an airplane full of high school athletes crash lands into the mountains. Peyton Elway (Marc Menard) seems to assume the leader role of this group of survivors, his coach crowned him King before he died. Funny enough he was frozen solid when dying, actually had icicles on his face and Peyton looked like it was a cool spring day!?! So Peyton and the rest of the survivors try to figure out their next move, they argue on and on, out in the cold, instead of in the warmer fuselage of the plane. It is decided by the group that two of them will hike 5 miles to the tail of the plane to recover the second flight radio, and the rest of the lazy asses will sit around fighting, hiding food, and pretending they are stupid enough not to stay warm. These morons are actually wearing coats and hoodies that are not fully buttoned up, and no hoods on!?! God help us!!!! This film continues to get more and more asinine by the minute.
The two kids who agreed to go get the radio are eventually stalked by the Yeti. He catches up with them and the first guy is killed, kind of a cool kill scene. But the next guy breaks his leg jumping through a hole in the cave and uses his friend's arm as a splint, are they kidding....I mean really, what heart! This poor guy eventually makes it back to the group with two broken legs only to be mistakenly shot by the asshole of the group, and supposedly killed. Who would have guessed? Meanwhile the others have been sitting in the fuselage watching the yeti steal their dead bodies one by one, and in a sense stealing their food source as well, since they have started eating their own.
Who can help these kids? How about two single rescuers who share one brain, and have guns with not enough bullets to kill more than two rabbits. Do they survive? Will the house cat be returned home? Does anyone give a damn?
You probably guessed I was not thrilled by this film. The stupidity was alarming, and the acting pathetic. I cannot figure out anyway this film could have been saved other than a complete overhaul. The Yeti costume was really fake looking, and his movements were computer generated, and looked placed in after the fact. The kill scenes were kind of kool, but the reaction by the survivors was stunning, they had none. Most of the movie they stood around watching the others get slaughtered by this thing and did nothing. I can't recall if one tear was shed this entire film, though many kids died. Supposedly they were all teammates, where was the loyalty, the friendship, or just plain humanity in these folks.
The most disturbing part of the film is that they actually tried to steal the thunder from the movie "Alive" from the 1990's, with the whole cannibal thing to survive. I was feeling really ashamed of director Paul Ziller for being involved in this film. I want so bad to say something positive lighting was good!
Written by KaT
BaD BiRdS :: Skip this one
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