With an all cast line-up, including Tom Cruise as Cage (Main character) and Bill Paxton as Master Sergeant Farrell, this movie almost promises you a good time. The story begins with Cage speaking to his superior officer about keeping out of an upcoming battle with so-called aliens, because it is sure to be a blood bath. Cage practically attempts to blackmail his superior, but the next he is stripped of his military identity and sent to basic training camp, where he is forced into battle the next day. All is going as expected and Cage dies in battle after being attacked by what they call an ALPHA alien, larger than most. What's the shocker here? He wakes up again restarting his day over from the beginning. Sound familiar/ You bet, it's Ground Hogs Day with aliens, how impressive.
The plot quickly becomes so convoluted that even the most intelligent viewers will be lost, and it's not their fault. The writers went a little crazy here. The story line was condensed too much for us to have the step by step details that we needed to truly follow the film. But here is my best guess. The day resets when Cage dies, so they kill him everyday until they reach their goal and destroy the being, necessary to win the war. The ending itself is a let down...REALLY BIG TIME, as you cannot explain how that is possible. My conclusion was that Cruise had become the center brain of the alien race when he died in their blood, but would love to hear other ideas in our comments section.
The acting was quite good, as Tom Cruise usually does deliver a great performance. Bill Paxton had a less than impressive role in this film, but again his skill made it entertaining. Most of the film is completely unbelievable and confusing. I really wanted to give this film a good rating, but in all honesty cannot do so. The lighting was horrible, the dark scenes make you feel like a bat with no sight. Further the battle scenes are too quick, you barely recognize what one of these aliens actually looks like. The whole point of Sci-fi Alien flicks is to admire the alien, right? Get it together guys. All in all this movie was fair, not really sure if it's worth the watch but it is sure to appease someone, somewhere. I will graciously give this flick 1.5 BaD BiRdS with the hopes that Doug Liman the writer will take more time and care with future flicks.
Written by KaT
BaD BiRdS :: It's up to you
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